Peer Review
You broke off into groups and read each other's papers aloud. You then had a discussion about the things you liked in each narrative. Then you individually read through at least 2 of your classmates papers and made comments and filled out the response guide. If you checked more than 2 papers you will receive extra credit.
Revisions-Second Drafts
For homework you need to write a new draft based on your classmates comments. If none of your classmates offered you any suggestions on how to make your paper better (which they should've even if it was just grammatical errors) it is up to you to look through your piece and find things that you could do better. Maybe you know you rushed the end of the paper and you want to take another stab at it. Maybe there are some grammatical errors that you know are there even if your classmates missed them. There is no such thing as a perfect paper and there is always something you can improve upon. If you only had the first two pages of your paper you can work on finishing it. Your second draft is due Monday, October 8 and it should be better than the draft you turned in today. You will email me this draft before class Monday at
Second Draft of Literacy Narrative (Due Monday, Oct. 8) *This is not your final draft*
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