The next two classes (Wed, Oct. 24 and Mon, Oct. 29th) we will not be meeting as a class. Instead I will meet with each of you individually in order to prepare you for the rough draft of your analysis paper and to talk about your grade so far in the class. See Conference Schedule for your conference time.
You will bring two things to your conference: an outline of your paper and an annotated bibliography.
Annotated Bibliography
An annotated bibliography is basically a paper where you summarize your research. The first page of the paper is an introduction where you will basically tell us everything you learned from your research. Look at it as an overview of all your sources. After the introduction you will list each of your sources in MLA format and then you will follow it with a paragraph where you give a summary of that source and explain that source's relevance to your topic/thesis. Please look carefully at the Sample Annotated Bibliography if you are confused (See Class Documents). For your Annotated Bibliography I want you to have 8 sources. You only have to quote from 4 sources in your paper, but I want to know that you've looked up as much information on your topic as you possibly could. Also because most of you are using online sources and are not always good at figuring out good sources from bad sources, it is always good to have back up in case you have to throw some of those sources away.
See Class Documents for a template of how I want your outline's to be formatted. Your outline will list the main ideas of your paper and will serve as roadmap for the rest of your project.
My hope is that after doing these assignments and meeting with me one-on-one you will have a better understanding of what's expected of you for this paper and will not have any issues writing a great first draft. Your first draft will be due the next time we meet as a class which will be next Wednesday Oct. 31st. The structure is exactly like last time. You have to bring in 2 copies of at least the first 2 pages of your paper for peer review.
- Annotated Bibliography (Due the date of your conference)
- Outline of Paper (Due the date of your conference)
- Rough Draft of Analysis Paper, first 2 pages, 2 copies please (Due, Wed. Oct. 31)
- If you have not turned in your Peer Response Guides, (These are the sheets where your classmates gave you comments about your literacy narrative), turn them in either at your conference or on Wed. Oct 31st.